
Services to Diverse Abilities throughout
British Columbia


Group Activities, Day Camps, Caregiver Groups & Professional Training

This page describes all of Pivot Point’s Group Activities available for children, teens and adults with Autism or Diverse Abilities, as well as our groups for Caregivers and for Professionals & Service Providers. All of our groups are organized by the style / format of the group (see the tabs below), and each topic or theme is clearly presented so you can join others with similar interests.  Almost all groups are available in both formats: ONLINE as well as IN-PERSON. Note that groups for Professionals & Service Providers are typically one-time-only events.

Sponsor a Camper Button NEW! Adults, family / friends, community professionals and businesses can now sponsor a child for Day Camp! Visit our Sponsorship Page to learn more!

If your family is looking to apply for a Sponsorship, please complete our Family Sponsorship Application

Visit our Calendar of Events page to learn more about the events we’re currently hosting across the province!


HANG ~ Helping Adolescents / Adults Network and Grow

Our H.A.N.G. style groups are designed to be fun social environments where teen and adult peers with ASD or Diverse Abilities get together (in-person or online) to network with others who share common interests.  Each session of any “H.A.N.G.” styled group includes structured greeting activities, group activity planning, gentle in-the-moment coaching, and feedback on observed and emerging social skill dynamics. Our H.A.N.G. style groups are themed around ages and interests. 

To be notified of the next available dates for any of the below groups in your community, complete our Waitlist

Pivot Point Minecraft Group Activity


Minecraft Club

Join us as we venture into the world of MINECRAFT!

Our staff host interactive building competitions, focused learning sessions, supervised free play, and all sorts of fun MINECRAFT adventures! Learn to use Redstone to build “electrical features” and to perform logic tasks.

Let your child’s creativity flow during our engaging Build Challenges and lesson-focused games.

To be notified of the next available dates for this group, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Minecraft Group Flyer

Pivot Point Dungeons & Dragons Group Activity


Dungeons & Dragons

Join our Dungeon Master on an adventure into the world of Magic, Mystery and Magnificent Treasures. Delve into darkest dungeons and explore ancient ruins in the pursuit of increased social skills, problem-solving, cooperation and fun

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Dungeons & Dragons Flyer

Pivot Point Eco Adventures Group Activity


Eco Adventure Club

Eco Adventure club is a weekly program for youth where participants explore different locations and outdoor activities around their community within our unique social skill building process.

Eco Adventure club leverage community parks, beaches, streams, hikes, and other locations — and a shared interest in the outdoors — to create safe opportunities for participants to make friends and practice their social skills. 

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Eco Adventure Group Flyer

kids reading in outdoors

Stories & Crafts  

This program is designed for those who prefer a quieter, slower pace and have an interest in stories and or crafting!

Each session staff and participants read parts of a chosen novel, taking breaks to discuss the ideas as they arise.  The participants also use crafts as an opportunity to dive deep into a story and learn more about the characters, setting, and plot. Students are immersed in the novel in a variety of fun ways!

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Stories & Crafts Flyer!

Theatre Sports

The Theatre Sports group is all about imagination!

Each week we integrate themes from Dungeons and Dragons, Minecraft and other age appropriate adventure series into real life activities, where participants develop a story and act out the plot, or play out their choices on a game board. This group uses improv (theater sports), role playing, and small group presentation opportunities to inspire self confidence, creative self expression, group problem solving and peer group development.

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Theater Sports Flyer

Pivot Point Lego Club Group Activity


Lego Club 

Join us for fun construction adventures building with everybody’s favourite building toy, LEGO!

Our In-Person Lego groups start with a casual social check-in, then gently transition into the group session planning / problem solving process central to all H.A.N.G. sessions.

Sessions include individual discovery and building time, 1-1 attention, small group tutorials and group sharing times… all designed to give participants a chance to practice their social skills and expand their role within the small group.

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Lego Group Flyer


Developing Skills ~ Interactive groups designed to teach a specific topic or skill 

Our “Developing… skills” style groups follow a set curriculum, and inspire participants to work together towards acquiring skills needed to pursue their personal growth and success. This group style includes a very wide range of topics and themes, with new topics being added regularly to reflect new interests, needs and inspirations.  “Developing… skills” style groups are well suited to children, youth, adults, caregivers and community members who are ready to jump in and learn some new skills! 

Almost every group shown below is offered in both IN-PERSON and ONLINE formats.

Kids learning with teen mentor


Building Social Emotional Resiliency in Children

Building Social Emotional Resiliency in Children (BSER) is a fun and engaging program where each of the sessions focuses on one social emotional topic.

Participants get to explore each topic, through a quick lesson, and fun hands-on activities like making ‘brain bottles’, bubble bouncing as a team and more.

To be notified of the next available dates for this group in your community, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Building Social Emotional Resiliency in Children Flyer

Young Boy Making Salad


Culinary Kids

The yummiest event Pivot Point has to offer! Join this fun group to learn cooking, baking and kitchen skills as you plan and prepare many delicious recipes. Lessons on safety, recipe following, teamwork and creativity are what makes this group so special, along with the great meals we’ll enjoy together or send home for the family! 

To be notified of the next available dates for this group in your community, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Culinary Kids Group Flyer 

Teens at computer together


Job Skills

This group is all about job readiness!

We work together to explore participants’ interests, the job market and the skills that might be required for various roles. The group creates personal resumes’, practices interview skills and learns about appropriate communication and social skills to help our participants prepare to apply for a job and get hired!

To be notified of the next available dates for this group in your community, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Job Skills Flyer 


PEERS®: Developing Relationship Skills 

PEERS® (Program for the Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills) is an esteemed social skills intervention program originating from UCLA. Its primary objective is to enhance friendship quality and social skills for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders. The group will meet weekly for 1.5 hours over a span of 14 weeks to collectively cultivate and refine their social skills.

To be notified of the next available dates for this group in your community, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our PEERS®: Developing Relationships Flyer

Kids Building with Plastic Sticks


STEAM Challenge

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts & Math.

Our STEAM Challenge Group brings together these five disciplines to create active and inclusive learning opportunities that challenge participants mentally, while inspiring them socially. 

To be notified of the next available dates for this group in your community, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our STEAM Challenge Flyer 

Day Camp: Student Success


Student Success

Many families struggle to feel ready for the transition into Kindergarten and the early primary grades!

This group creates a fun and safe way for small groups of young students to encounter the classroom environment, and the initial basics of structure and routine like circle time, story-time and other small group play activities. Hosted in our established Community Classroom sites throughout BC, Student Success Group shows students how to have fun with words, numbers and their peers

To be notified of the next available dates for this group in your community, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Student Success Flyer 

Teenage Girl on Computer


Taming the Worry Dragons

The goal of this mental health group is for participants to experience a decrease in anxiety. Our Lead Professionals will help to equip the participants with knowledge, tools and skills to decrease anxieties and stressors in every day life.

The age range for this group will be ages 9-14 years old (some exceptions can be made to this age range, considering the other clients who have enrolled).

To be notified of the next available dates for this group, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Taming the Worry Dragons Flyer



Day Camps ~ Week-long groups built for Summer, Winter and Spring Break learning and fun!

Our “Day Camp” style groups typically run for a full week, Monday through Friday, with each day starting at 9:30 am and ending at 3:30 pm. Many of our “Day Camp” style groups are available either online or in-person, so please carefully note this in the groups listed on our Calendar page. Each “Day Camp” style group is themed, so that it attracts children, youth and young adults with similar interests and abilities. Every group incorporates social skill development and friendship building while inspiring a Growth Mindset and increased self-awareness / self-responsibility in a safe, respectful, fun peer environment.

Young Girl Baking

WINTER Day Camp: Stories & Crafts  

Celebrate the holidays with creativity and fun!

This holiday-themed camp filled with baking cookies, crafting cheerful decorations, and enjoying festive activities that spark connection and holiday cheer.

Stories and Crafts is running in the following communities:

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Stories & Crafts Day Camp Flyer!


Caregiver Support Groups ~ The skills and insights to help you be at your best for your family

Our Caregiver Support groups offer a range of interactive groups designed to give parents and caregivers the training on specific topics, as well as the insights, awareness and courage to help them be at their best. As such, some of our Caregiver Support groups are more flexible & dynamic in nature, letting the group lead the discussions and interactions (like our HANG style groups do), whereas other Caregiver Support groups more closely follow a set curriculum on the specific topic (like our Developing Skills groups do). Please read each description to understand how that group is structured.

Pivot Point Rockstar Parent Workgroup

Rockstar Parent Workgroup

Join a small group of parents each week as we explore the Rockstar Parent Workbook (provided) to help to navigate parenting children with Autism.

Each of the five sessions is lead by an experienced Counsellor who is committed to helping you master the secrets of great parenting… even through challenging behaviours and Diverse Abilities.

Together we’ll work through the 5 Key Steps:

  • • Take back control of your hectic schedule
  • • Find out how to get a life in the midst of your crazy world
  • • Reclaim the power of having a plan that actually works
  • • Experience the sense of “balance with focus” that you’ve always dreamed of
  • • Learn the hidden power of creating and sustaining momentum

To be notified of the next available dates for this group, complete our Waitlist

To see a flyer you can download, print or email to others, view our Rockstar Parent Workgroup Flyer


Bridging the Autism Diagnosis Gap for Our Youngest Community Members

Pivot Point recognizes that many infants and toddlers in our community may have developmental delays. Yet with long waitlists, many may go undiagnosed and without key support for years. Research shows that interventions are most effective when started as early as possible after birth. This means that many children and their caregivers are missing out on the most important stage of learning and intervention.

To meet this need, Pivot Point is piloting the following new services in Prince George for families with infants and toddlers:

Infant Toddler Autism Screening

Screening Service

Children aged birth to 5 years will be screened using a standardized assessment tool across all areas of development to guide caregivers on the next steps of support.  Each child will receive a Screening Report that includes the child’s development scores and follow up recommendations. Cost: $450 per child

Click on your city below to register:

•   Prince George 

If the posted dates in the above link are sold out or if you are not available on those dates/times, please complete our Waitlist to be notified of our next available dates.

Moms learning with kids

Infant Support Group

Children aged from birth to 18 months old and their caregivers are invited to participate in a 6-week support group of 4 or 5 families, led by an infant care clinician. During each 1-hour session caregivers will learn how to encourage development and “learning interactions” with their infant. Cost: $300 per child

(Note – Screening Service above must be completed before attending this Infant Support Group)

Click on your city below to register:

•   Prince George (Coming Soon)

If the posted dates in the above link are sold out or if you are not available on those dates/times, please complete our Waitlist to be notified of our next available dates.

Autism Toddlers Playing

Toddler Support Group

Children aged 19 months to 3 years old and their caregivers are invited to participate in a 6 week support group of 4 or 5 families, led by an infant & toddler care clinician. During each 1-hour session caregivers will learn how to support their toddler’s development across all areas, and how to generalize these skills into the home environments. Cost: $300 per child

Click on your city below to register:

•   Prince George (Coming Soon)

If the posted dates in the above link are sold out or if you are not available on those dates/times, please complete our Waitlist to be notified of our next available dates.

Caregivers Learning

Caregiver Support Group

Caregivers for children aged 3 to 5 will be guided through a 6-week support group with 4 or 5 families, lead by an early childhood behavioural clinician to learn the basics of behaviour and ways to support healthy behaviour in the home. Each session can take place online or in person with a behavioural clinician and includes home practice and support. to the home environments. Cost: $300 per child

Click on your city below to register:

•   Prince George (Coming Soon)

If the posted dates in the above link are sold out or if you are not available on those dates/times, please complete our Waitlist to be notified of our next available dates.

If you are interested in these services in ANY OTHER community besides Prince George, please complete our Other Community Waitlist and we will reach out to you once they are available.