Inclusive Communities
Dear Pivot Point Community,
We are here, beside you and with you, learning and growing together.
We believe that every human being is capable of making continuous improvements and progress towards their own personal best. Through this, we recognize that Pivot Point itself must also learn and adapt as it continuously evolves into being the best agency that its staff and clients need it to be.
Considering recent events across the border and here in Canada as well, Pivot Point would like to share what we continue to do as we practice equality, respect and inclusion for all.
Pivot Point Family Growth Centre Inc. and Pivot Point Learning Centres Society are both value based organizations. Pivot Point has a culture that is shaped by our Guiding Principles and Values. These guiding principles and values drive our decision-making and actions and foster a sense of community. We actively make choices everyday to live out our guiding principles and values.
We encourage everyone to reflect on our guiding principles and values and think about the ways in which you can apply them in your own life to ensure that we are all practicing compassion, kindness and respect.
We cultivate healthy, authentic and genuine relationships and connections. We meet our client families where they are at. A big part of cultivating these healthy relationships comes from a place of empathy, care and willingness to participate in active listening. We want our communities to feel seen and heard.
We inspire and model integrity. In order to ensure fairness and equity, we explore multiple perspectives and refrain from making assumptions. We are flexible and work to adapt to our staff members’ and client families’ needs to ensure that we are able to achieve success, understanding and compassion.
We are responsible and accountable. At Pivot Point, we acknowledge that as human beings we are continually evolving, learning and adapting as we are presented with new information. We strive to be better each and every day. We collaborate across disciplines to ensure transparency and accountability. We acknowledge our mistakes, learn from them and create solutions to be better.
We pull in the same direction and work collaboratively towards common goals that better us… as individuals, as an organization and families, as a community and ultimately for all people across the globe. We know that we are stronger together. We provide space for each other to celebrate our successes and help each overcome barriers.
We are respectful. Pivot Point fosters a safe, healthy and comfortable environment where our staff and client families can come to us and openly express concerns or issues that arise, with the peace of mind that they will not be met with judgment or scrutiny. We work together to come up with solutions. We practice active listening and we are sensitive to others when they are sharing with us.
We create safe learning environments by providing compassion, opportunity for growth and support. We meet our client families where they are at in their journeys. Creating safe spaces for learning promotes awareness, education and understanding. We know that diversity creates meaningful connections and relationships. We celebrate differences and build each other up.
We seek open communication. In order to foster open communication we have built a foundation of care, support and trust. We ask questions, assume greater complexity and consider situations from a variety of perspectives.
We inspire others by supporting the dreams and goals of our staff and client families. We encourage their passions and celebrate their successes. We encourage everyone to be the best they can be and we support them every step of the way.
We embrace humour and find joy through everyday experiences. We celebrate our staff and client families. We continue to share stories of love, positivity and encouragement.
At Pivot Point we promise to continue to create safe spaces where everyone feels they belong! We are continually working towards promoting and celebrating equity, respect and inclusion. We hear you and we see you! We are committed to learning and improving each and every day to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff and client families.
If there is anything we can do to support you during these challenging times, please contact us at 604-531-4544.
Steve and Crystal,
Pivot Point Directors.